Optional Accessories

Fin ATC 10

For the corner sofa designs where a strictly level seat frame is needed a special Fin ATC 10 is optionally available.

Bracket kit ATC Piccolo

Option. Slim, durable, 3D-adjustable. For light models.

Bracket kit ATC Piccolo Maxi

Option. Extension for wide armrests.

Bracket kit ATC Piccolo Maxi 2

Option. Reinforced kit for heavy armrests.

Bracket kit ATC Piccolo K

Option. Perfect Choice for wooden armrests.

Accordion Back-Frame Console

Option. A reinforced welded console kit to build heavy models. The back-wall can be mounted on this console.

Accordion Back-Frame Kit

Option. A console kit to mount a soft back on.

Типоразмер L I
70 480 270
80 570 270
120 970 670
140 1170 884
155 1320 1020
180 1570 1020
195 1720 1170

If heavy cushions are used (especially pocket coils) then an additional Spring Kit is recommended. The additional spring enables an easier transformation. This kit is optional.

The ATC Extension makes a sleeping surface 2000 mm long instead of standard 1880 mm.

Типоразмер 070 080 120 140 155 180 195
А, опорная ширина матрасодержателя, мм 440 530 930 1130 1280 1530 1680
В, ширина матрасодержателя, мм 445 535 935 1135 1285 1535 1685